NPFE Technology Acceptable Use Agreement


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This Equipment Use Agreement is between the NPFE school and the parent/guardian & student.

The parent/guardian must complete/sign this Agreement, showing they comply with the following guidelines.
1. I certify that I have received the equipment listed below. The equipment was received in fair condition, and I have turned on the equipment to verify it is efficiently working.
2. I understand this equipment is the property of the NPFE school and has been loaned to me. I agree to return the equipment to the Technology Department for periodic checks and for submission at the end of the school year in good working condition, subject to only normal wear.
3. I will not unlawfully copy/distribute any materials utilizing the equipment. I will model and encourage ethical use of this equipment among my peers, teachers, and parents/guardians.
4. I take full responsibility for the content used with this equipment, and understand that the equipment may not be used for cyberbullying, sending inappropriate pictures, and/or for defaming, insulting, or threatening persons or property. On behalf of myself and my respective relatives, heirs, estates, and assigns, I release and discharge the NPFE school, and their respective officers, directors, employees and agents, from any and all claims and liabilities arising or resulting from the use of this equipment. The equipment will be confiscated if parents/students do not comply with the above guidelines.
5. The equipment loaned to me may have a value of $400, and a replacement cost may be $400 plus shipping costs. I will be responsible for the offset of this cost of $400.00.
6. If the equipment loaned to me is damaged, lost or stolen, I will be held liable for the replacement of such equipment at the current replacement cost less the current value of such equipment.

a. Laptop/tablet: Student/parent is liable to pay the respective equipment fee for repairs and damages not covered by warranty. The equipment fee for the first repair per student is $50, and each following repair will have an increased fee. For example, the second-time fee is $100, the third fee is $150, and this fee may increase to $400.

b. Charger: Student/parent is liable to pay the equipment fee of $30 for lost or damaged chargers.

7. If a student withdraws from the program, the equipment must be returned within 24 hours. If a parent/student fails to return the equipment with all of the components with which it came with they will be charged the cost of $400.00 or charges will be filed to the fullest extent of the law. In addition, we will use all available resources to recoup any losses. (i.e. A Police Report will be filed as a Theft if the item is not returned, and the information will be added to personal credit report).